Product SiteDocumentation Site

Part I. Getting Started

Table of Contents

3. Installation
3.1. Packages
3.1.1. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 or higher
3.1.2. Fedora 7 or higher
3.2. The Latest and Greatest
4. Configuration
4.1. Configuration Files
4.1.1. /etc/revisor/revisor.conf
4.1.2. /etc/revisor/conf.d/
4.1.3. Updates to Configuration Files
4.1.4. Changing Configuration Files
4.2. Global and Model Configuration
4.3. YUM Repository Configuration
4.3.1. $releasever and $basearch
4.3.2. Using a Local Mirror
4.3.3. Using Local Files
4.3.4. Using a DVD
4.3.5. Adding Third Party Repositories
4.3.6. Creating Your Own Repository
4.3.7. Testing & Troubleshooting the YUM Configuration
4.4. Configuring A Proxy Server
4.5. Command-line Options
5. Quick Start