========================= Network Topology Overview ========================= The following diagram depicts a vastly simplified overview of a single site's reference network topology architecture. .. graphviz:: digraph { splines = true; overlab = prism; edge [color=gray50, fontname=Calibri, fontsize=11]; node [style=filled, shape=record, fontname=Calibri, fontsize=11]; "Outer Perimeter Firewalls" [href="../glossary.html#term-outer-perimeter-firewall", target="_top"]; "Perimeter Networks 1..n" [href="../glossary.html#term-perimeter-network", target="_top"]; "Inner Perimeter Firewalls" [href="../glossary.html#term-inner-perimeter-firewall", target="_top"]; "Internal Firewalls" [href="../glossary.html#term-internal-firewall", target="_top"]; "Load-Balancer (Internal)" [label="Load-Balancer", href="../glossary.html#term-load-balancer", target="_top"]; "Internal Networks" [href="../glossary.html#term-internal-network", target="_top"]; "Service Endpoint" [href="../glossary.html#term-service-endpoint", target="_top"]; "Internet" -> "Outer Perimeter Firewalls" -> "Perimeter Networks 1..n" -> "Inner Perimeter Firewalls" -> "Internal Firewalls" -> "Load-Balancer (Internal)" -> "Internal Networks" -> "Service Endpoint"; } .. TODO:: This graphic only expresses inbound traffic. It isn't structured properly. Outbound traffic should be taken in to account. Discretionary, non-transparent proxies should be used for selected systems. Mandatory transparent proxies should be used for all :term:`nodes `. .. _infra-network-perimeter-firewalls: Firewalls ========= Without a differentiation between the function of the :term:`outer ` and :term:`inner ` perimeter firewalls, there is also no functional definition of a :term:`perimeter network`. General recommendations include; * Use physical hardware, not virtualized guests, for the :term:`outer ` and :term:`inner ` perimeter firewalls. * Use a physically different network interface for failover and redundancy traffic, on a completely separate and dedicated VLAN. * If switching is required for the external interfaces of the :term:`outer perimeter firewalls `, use physically separate hardware to switch internet traffic, failover and redundancy traffic [#]_, and :term:`perimeter network` traffic. * Use physically different network interfaces for each :term:`perimeter network`, each of them on completely separate and dedicated VLANs. * Use different network interfaces on the :term:`perimeter networks' ` :term:`nodes `, each of them on completely separate and dedicated VLANs. * Set the default route for the :term:`perimeter networks' ` nodes toward the :term:`outer perimeter gateway `. * Provide each of the perimeter networks with its own DNS horizon, through :ref:`app-split-dns-horizon`. * Provide each perimeter network with documented security assessments. * Use PAT, and let the perimeter networks use private IP spaces. * Implement :term:`Load-Balancing` for :term:`Service Endpoints ` as late as possible. With the :term:`outer ` and :term:`inner ` perimeter firewalls on physical hardware, but without the function of an :term:`internal firewall`, there is no policy enforcement point for the :term:`nodes ` in any of the :term:`internal networks ` that can be descended on as high-bandwidth a set of links as the ones that are available to the :term:`internal firewalls `. .. _infra-network-perimeter-networks: Perimeter Networks 1..n ======================= Perimeter networks include: **External Hidden Master Internet-Authoritative DNS Servers** **External Inbound Mail Exchangers** * Should include only domain-level validation using a static, generated table, so that no recipient-level information is available. Hint; use ``relay_domains``. * Should apply Anti-Virus. * Should apply Anti-Spam. * Relays on to Internal Mail Exchangers. * Is included with `mynetworks` on Internal Mail Exchangers. **External Outbound Mail Exchangers** * Includes Internal Mail Exchangers in `mynetworks`. **External Submission Mail Exchangers** * Used for submission of new messages by users located outside the perimeter. **Reverse IMAP Proxies** * Intelligent reverse proxy for IMAP -- Guam. **Reverse HTTP Proxies** * Responsible for redirecting unencrypted web traffic to encrypted web traffic. * Responsible for filtering traffic using access control, OWASSP, ``mod_clamav``. .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [#] A separate cable, cross-over for interfaces not capable of auto-MDIX, or a regular cable for interfaces capable of auto-MDIX, may suffice.