Puppet Module: git

The git module for Puppet can manage central GIT repository hosts along with the GIT repositories on that host, and can maintain clones of GIT repositories.

Both these parts are used by the Puppet Module: puppet.

Creating a GIT Repository

Creating a repository is performed by the git::repository resource definition, with the following parameters:

description (false)

A description for the GIT repository, which ends up in .git/description.

If not set, or set to false, the .git/description is left untouched.

group (root)

The name of the (POSIX) group owner.

localtree (/srv/git/)

The parent directory of the new GIT repository, with a default of /srv/git/.

owner (root)

The name of the (POSIX) owner.

prefix (false)

Set a prefix to the actual GIT repository location, such that a the filesystem path to the repository is unique.

public (false)

If the repository is public, the permissions are set such that the xinetd git-daemon running under the unprivileged nobody account can read the contents of the repository.

Set this to false to disallow the nobody account to read any contents of the repository, therefore effectively disallowing anonymous access over the git:// protocol.

real_name (false)

Because resources can only be instantiated with unique names or titles, you can set real_name to a value that, if used as the name or title, would otherwise cause a duplicate definition.

recipients (false)

A list of recipient email addresses, that should be notified when a commit is made.

If not set, or set to false, no notifications will be sent.

shared (false)

A boolean value, this describes whether the GIT repository is shared (true) or private (false).

The net result of setting this to true is the equivalent of executing the following commands:

# find $localtree/$name/ -type d -exec chmod g+rws {} ;
# find $localtree/$name/ -type f -exec chmod g+rw {} ;

The xinetd git-daemon service runs under the nobody account, and this boolean controls whether the nobody account should be allowed read access to the GIT repository.

symlink_prefix (false)

The symbolic link in /git/, a flat directory hierarchy, should be prefixed with the symlink_prefix.

symbolic_link (true)

Provide a symbolic link in /git/ to the new GIT repository (in $localtree), so that users that use the SSH protocol do not have to use /srv/git/ to get to the repository.

Example GIT repository for libkolabxml:

git::repository { "libkolabxml.git":
    localtree => "/srv/git/",
    shared => true,
    public => true,
    owner => "vanmeeuwen",
    group => "git-kolab.org-developers",
    description => "libkolabxml",
    recipients => [

Example set of GIT repositories for Puppet modules:

git::repository { [
    localtree => "/srv/git/",
    shared => true,
    public => true,
    owner => "vanmeeuwen",
    group => "git-kolab.org-developers",
    symlink_prefix => "puppet-module-",
    prefix => "puppet-",
    description => "Puppet Module",
    recipients => [

Cloning a GIT Repository

To create a clone of a GIT repository, use the git::clone resource definition.

The following parameters are available:


define clone(   $source,
                $localtree = "/srv/git/",
                $real_name = false,
                $branch = false,
                $mirror = false) {

git::clone { "modules/$branch/$real_name":
    source => $url ? {
        false => $base_url ? {
            false => "$url",
            default => $module_prefix ? {
                false => $module_name ? {
                    false => "$base_url/$name",
                    default => "$base_url/$module_name"
                default => $module_name ? {
                    false => "$base_url/$module_prefix-$name",
                    default => "$base_url/$module_prefix-$module_name"
        default => $url
    localtree => "/var/lib/puppet/environments/$branch/modules/",
    real_name => "$real_name",
    branch => $branch

git::pull { "modules/$branch/$real_name":
    localtree => "/var/lib/puppet/environments/$branch/modules/",
    real_name => $real_name,
    require => Git::Clone["modules/$branch/$real_name"]